Fifth graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about different types of figurative language such as simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification (SOL5.4d). Today students in Ms. Capano’s class created animations to make figurative language sentences come to life! First we shared examples of figurative language that they had heard before. We brainstormed different ways you could illustrate the literal meaning of well-known phrases, like “faster than a speeding bullet” or “slow as a turtle.” I explained that today they needed to create their own sentence with figurative language. Then we would make an animated GIF that flashed back and forth between the literal and figurative meaning of their sentence. We went to ABCYa! Animate to create the animation. We used the text tool to type our sentence, and I showed them how to use the drawing tools to illustrate it. Next we clicked the copy cat button and changed the picture to show the literal meaning. When we were finished, we saved our animations using the export button and uploaded them to a Media Album in Schoology. You can take a look at their finished animations here.