Second graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about three different Indian groups: the Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueublo (SOL2.2). Today students in Mr. Weldon’s class used ABCYa! StoryMaker to draw and write about the Lakota Indians (the tribe they are currently studying). As we were navigating to the website, we discussed their background knowledge of the Lakota–where they lived, what they hunted, their transportation and occupations, as well as how they dressed and built their houses. With StoryMaker, there is a drawing part (blue button) and a writing part (yellow button). First we painted a picture of the Lakota Indians, including their environment, homes, and animals. Next we typed complete sentences (SOL2.13a) about the Indians, using the vocabulary words we have learned. When we were finished, we clicked the Print button and saved it as a PDF. Then we uploaded it to a Padlet that you can see here. Sharing the students’ written work online via Padlet (or any other webtool) is one of the advantages digital assignments have over traditional written assignments. Students and parents have access to their work from anywhere, and they can review it anytime they want. Plus, students are getting valuable practice with word processing and other computer skills.
2nd Grade Lakota Indians
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