The hour of code is upon us! Next week hosts the hour of code. I love seeing how many teachers implement coding this week, and how many continue to get their students to keep coding throughout the year! My good friend Jim Covais shared a great resource from Scratch with me, and I couldn’t be more excited to pass it along! You can now download the Scratch blocks and print them out to use unplugged! This is such a great idea, especially in schools without 1:1. In Henrico the elementary schools still aren’t 1:1, so teachers have to share carts of computers with the whole schools. If you want to participate in the hour of code, but can’t get your hands on any computers this is a great alternative! These Scratch blocks can be printed and laminated to ensure that they have a long and happy life.
Check out the original blog post here.
I’ve also uploaded the pictures for you to download here.
Happy coding!