Fractions are Everywhere (at Donahoe ES!)

Last week, we had a great time exploring fractions at Donahoe Elementary in Mrs. Quesenberry’s fifth grade class. Mrs. Quesenberry found this great idea where students look for fractions all around the school building.


We took photos with the camera on the IPads, then imported them into Pixie and annotated on each slide. It was so cool to see how they really did find fractions all over! Some fractions were right out in the open, and others were a little more hidden. My favorite was definitely the glue sticks standing up and toppled over (take a look through and see if you can find that one!). We then exported the files as videos, and uploaded them to my Work Collector. Take a look at the finished product!

Mrs. Q Fractions from Christina Aquilina on Vimeo.


Here is the link to individual videos. Mrs. Quesenberry and I talked about having students write word problems to go with the fractions in their friends’ videos!  
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