3rd Grade Comparing Rules & Laws

captureThird graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about the difference between rules and laws (SOL3.10a). The teachers developed a project as an alternative assessment where the students create posters comparing rules and laws, so today Ms. Hufnell’s students made digital posters using Google docs. Some of the students worked with a partner while others worked individually. First I made copies of a blank Google doc for each student in Google classroom. I showed them how to create a fancy title by changing the font, size, and color. Then we inserted a 2×2 table. In the first row, students wrote the rule and the law that they chose. I showed them how to make the important words bold. In the second row students described the rule and law, and I showed them how to make bullet points. Finally, the students clicked Insert > Image > Search and searched for images that reflected the rule and and law they chose. We published our posters to Google classroom so everyone could see them. You can check out some of their projects here.

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