Student Logins Got You Down? I’ve Got Your Back!

Having students login for the first time on the computers can seem like an impossible task, especially in the younger grades. You find yourself running from one side of the room to the next making sure everyone is together. Then after 45 minutes of getting students to type in their username and password, everyone clicks login. That’s when you find out about half the students typed in the wrong combination and you have to start all over again.

Here are 5 tips to getting your students logged in for the first time with no tears (from the teacher).

1.Use the login templates that Christina Aquilina made. Click here for that blog post!

2. Highlight the username in green and the password in yellow. This way you can say, “Look at the username it’s in green.” Or you can say, “Type in the password it’s in yellow.”

3. Break it down! Break the username into three parts.

  1. Have all the students type hcps first.
  2. Then have all the students press the dash, and show them where it is on the keyboard.
  3. Finally have the students type in the rest of their username.

4. Explain to the students that the password is their first initial, last initial, and lunch number.

5. Repeat! Once the students are logged in have them shut down and repeat. Have your students do this process over again 2 more times. By the end most will feel comfortable about logging in.

This will take about 45 minutes, but 45 minutes of time well spent. This will help students login fast during station time, or whenever else you use the computers in your classroom..

Have Fun!

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