Habitats with Pic Collage Kids and ChatterPix

Mrs. Potter’s students at Short Pump Elementary did a great job app smashing to show their knowledge of habitats.  Since the 2nd graders had been learning about habitats we thought it would be a great idea to incorporate the iPads in the classroom.  To start their project the students went to Britannica Image Quest to find a picture of an animal.  I told them that they could use any animal as long as they knew what its habitat was.  Once the students saved the picture of the animal to the camera roll they opened up Doodle Buddy to draw their animal’s habitat.  They saved that to the camera roll and then used Pic Collage For Kids (one of my FAVORITE apps) to put it all together!

The students brought in the picture of their habitat into Pic Collage first.  They made this picture as large as they could within Pic Collage.  Next, the students had to bring in the picture of their animal.  Since their pictures already had a background the kids needed to erase the background.   To do this you just have to double tap on the picture, select the Clip option.  This allows you to trace around the picture and keep what you would like.  Once their picture looked great the saved that to the camera roll.

The students finished up by opening their picture in ChatterPix and made their animal talk.  Their animal was supposed to describe their habitat and use important vocabulary works that they had learned.

Check out a finished example below:



This entry was posted in ChatterPix, Habitats, ipad, Pic Collage Kids, Science, Short Pump Elementary. Bookmark the permalink.