Measurement Nearpod

The students in Ms. Edward’s 5th grade class at Greenwood have been reviewing the measurement tools used in science and also practicing with measuring in math. Today they participated in a Measurement Nearpod lesson which was full of interactive sites to allow students to practice their measurement skills. After watching a quick Study Jams video on customary vs. metric units of measurement, students jumped into measuring an object from their desk using a virtual ruler on the computer screen. Using the free-response tool in Nearpod, students typed the name of their object and recorded the length in inches.

From Greenwood

Next students explored this Freeform Measurement site in which students select the most appropriate unit of measurement and then practice measuring the object in the picture.

From Greenwood

Next we explored volume and how the volumes of liquids and solids are measured. This interactive site was very informative and gave students practice with using graduated cylinders to learn about volume.

From Greenwood

Students also must know the equivalent amounts for volume, so we practiced by creating a key for the gallon man picture using the draw feature.

From Greenwood

Then we jumped to mass and practiced reading the measurements on a triple beam balance using this site.

From Greenwood

We ran out of time to practice reading temperature on a thermometer and working with conversions of different measurement units, but the students really enjoyed this activity and we will continue next week!

If you would like to try this lesson in your classroom, click HERE to add the Nearpod to your library.

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