Butterfly Life Cycle in 30 Hands

The students in Mrs. Lucas’s Kindergarten class have been learning about the butterfly life cycle. They even have a cup of food and a caterpillar that is munching away right now. Soon they will see the chrysalis form and the butterfly emerge!

From Trevvett

Today we narrated the butterfly life cycle in an app called 30 Hands. To begin, I used the Send Anywhere app to send a folder of magnificent butterfly images from Britannica Image Quest. These pictures went straight from the Send Anywhere app to the camera roll on the iPad. Next, students opened 30 Hands and imported the butterfly pictures. Then they recorded their voice on each picture. When they were finished, they downloaded the completed video from 30 Hands to the camera roll. Take a look at this great student sample:

Butterfly Life Cycle from Karen Hues on Vimeo.

From Trevvett
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