Young Architects Use Tinkercad

The students in Mrs. Baum’s 5th grade class have been studying area and perimeter. As part of an activity, they were asked to design a floor plan for their dream house. Using graph paper, they sketched out their designs, but their teacher wanted them to take it one step further.

From Greenwood

Matt Caratachea, our resident Tinkercad expert, showed the students the basics of designing 3D models within the program. Then students used critical thinking, problem solved, and brainstormed with their peers to recreate their plans as a 3D design in Tinkercad. They will continue working on these models and when they are done, we will hook up the 3D printer and try to get some printed out for the students to keep. They did an amazing job and some students even started building furniture within their homes. Way to go Mrs. Baum’s 5th graders. I can’t wait to see the finished designs!

From Greenwood
From Greenwood
From Greenwood
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