The students in Mr. Weldon’s class have been learning about telling time to the nearest 5 minutes. Today they participated in a Nearpod lesson that I created called “Traveling Through Time.” In this lesson, students watched a video with a catchy song to practice counting by 5’s around a clock. They then had the opportunity to use the draw feature in Nearpod to draw the hands on the clock to show what time you do a variety of activities throughout the day. Their favorite part were the 360 Tour field trips though! I embedded tours of locations that have a clock somewhere in the panoramic photo. For example, one tour took them to London and they had to locate Big Ben and try to figure out what time was being shown on the clock. Some clocks had Roman Numerals rather than numbers, but that didn’t stop this group from telling what time it was! Finally, we took a quick 6 question quiz so they could show what they know about telling time.
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