The students in Mr. Hilton’s 5th grade class have been studying matter and atoms. Today we use ABCYA to animate a model of an atom of an element. Using the periodic table, students determined the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for their atom. Then they used ABCYA to build their atom. After adding the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons, the students copied the frames, moving the electrons little by little in each frame. The finished products are animated gifs where you can see the electrons flying around the nucleus of the atom. The students uploaded their animations to Google Classroom and they plan to use their animations in an upcoming presentation on their element.
Periodic Table from Karen Hues on Vimeo.
The students in Mrs. Grossman’s class have been learning about force and motion. Today we created Scratch projects to show how a ball would move on different surfaces due to the friction between the ball and the surface it was rolling on. Students used blockly style coding to program the ball to move across the surface. Each student selected their own surface for the ball to roll on, but they had to be able to explain how far it would roll and why. Check out their great examples:
The students in Mrs. Smith’s class have been working on Author’s Purpose in reading. Today we used Kahoot to answer questions about author’s purpose. Students had to read/listen to a passage and determine if the author was writing to inform, persuade, or entertain. They voted using the choice on their laptop and the scoreboard revealed who was in the lead based on accuracy and speed.
The students in Mrs. Kazlau’s class finished up their animation of the water cycle in Scratch today. This activity involved quite a bit of code and critical thinking! Here is a student example:
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