I have really enjoyed my time in 1st grade the past two weeks. The first grade teachers at Carver Elementary have been studying migration! One of my team members, David Clough, posted this awesome lesson he had taught with a first grade class as well! He shared all the resources on his blog so it was super simple to prep for this lesson.
I placed three links in the Server Shortcut folder for this lesson. First we traveled to PebbleGo and read about various animals that migrated. These included geese, monarch butterflies, wildebeests and salmon. Then Mr. Clough made an AWESOME Migration Google Map that showed the migration patterns of these animals as well as the artic tern, caribou and whale.
Students were able to click on either the animals name or the line that indicated the travel pattern, the map zoomed into their specific migration location. It also gave a picture of the animal and a short paragraph with facts. We worked together whole group to read these paragraphs.
Finally we launched a Pixie template, that was also placed in Server Shortcuts. We used the sticker tools to add as many animals as we could to the map. We were able to find all but the wildebeest. Students saved their work to their desktops so that they could come back at a later date and record themselves talking about each animal.