Food Chains in Scratch

I had a fabulous time with the Longan 5th Graders in Mrs. Beam’s class! After conducting research with the librarian on food chains in an ecosystem of their choice, the students logged into Scratch and programmed the sun, producer, herbivore, and carnivore/predator to bring their food chain to life! It required a LOT of critical thinking and problem solving to animate each step in the food chain.

From Longan
From Longan
From Longan
From Longan

Check out their awesome projects!! (Just a hint – you will need Adobe Flash Player in order to view these projects.)

If you like what you saw, give it a try! Here are some directions for making your own food chain in Scratch.

Special thanks to Debbie Beam (5th Grade Teacher at Longan), Blair Hart (Librarian at Longan), Julie Smith (ITRT), Sarah Green (ITRT), Matt Caratachea (ITRT), and Judy Christopher (Elementary Science Specialist).

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