Mrs. Ives’ 4th graders have been working on sequencing in their writing. Last week each student wrote a 5 paragraph “How to Build a Snowman” paper by going through the steps of the writing process. Today I got to help them “publish” their work!
Originally I wanted to use the free app, 1-2-3 Kids Fun Snowman for the students to designed their own snowman from scratch; however, it was acting up (I think the company needs to send out an update) so we had to lean on our handy Doodle Buddy app. Doodle Buddy has a ton of different backgrounds, one of which is a snowman! Students set their background to be the snowman and used the drawing tool to add their name as well as a few decorations. They saved their creation to the camera roll and then I showed them how to edit their image within the camera app. Many were turned sideways so they had to re-position their snowman. We also cropped out the right hand side of the picture to center our snowman.
I loved how Mrs. Ives learned along with her students!
Next, we imported the snowman into Photospeak to make it come alive. I chose this app because the class had to record themsleves reading their 5 paragraph paper and Photospeak doesn’t have a recording time limit.
Snowmen Sequencing from Julie on Vimeo.