1st Grade Earth & Sun Stories

CaptureFirst graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the Earth and the sun in science (SOL1.6), and they have been learning how to write complete sentences in English (SOL1.13d), so today they wrote Earth & Sun stories with Storymaker. Storymaker gives students a fun way to write and illustrate stories on the computer. First we illustrated the picture. Students used the paint bucket to fill in the background with black. Then we discussed the relative sizes of the sun, Earth, and moon, and they painted them as realistically as possible. Some students even included the moon’s craters! Next we worked on the writing part. I instructed the students to write facts about the Earth, sun, and moon in complete sentences. They used phonetic spelling (SOL1.12c) for words they didn’t know. Finally we saved our stories and published them to Google classroom. I put them all on a Google doc so you can read them here.

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