Investigating Parts of a Flower with ProScopes

The 5th Grade students at Trevvett have been reviewing 4th grade science material on the parts of a flower. To truly understand the parts of a flower, we dissected actual flowers. By using the ProScope, which is a handheld USB microscope, students were able to magnify the plant parts 50 times to be able to see up close what these plant parts look like. To get started with the ProScope, just go to software center and download the ProScope HR software. Then launch the software, plug in the USB microscope, and you are ready to view and snap pictures. The pictures save to the ProScope Folder in the Picture Folder on each laptop.

From Trevvett
From Trevvett

Students referred to the diagram of a flower on the board while they took a close look at carnations and lilies.

From Trevvett

Students took anywhere from 30 to 90 pictures with the ProScope. Then they had to go back and reflect on their pictures and select their favorites to share. To share with their teacher and classmates, they logged into their Google accounts and then went to their Google Classroom. They created a post and upload their favorite pictures. In the future, the students are going to use this collection of images to create a presentation to explain the function of the different parts of the flower.

From Trevvett
From Trevvett
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