The students in Mrs. Ballou’s 5th grade class were wrapping up a project called Math in the World World in which they researched careers, housing options, car prices, and more and had to create a budget for themselves. They created PowerPoint Presentations to explain the different aspects of their income and monthly budget. Using the Dell Webcam, they were able to record videos and embed them into their presentations to elaborate on how they calculated their budget.
The students in Ms. Catlett’s 5th Grade class practiced their dictionary skills by editing a paragraph about cells that was typed in a Google Document. The document was shared with the students through Google Classroom and they were able to make their own copy of the Doc. There were several misspelled words, and students had to highlight the word, insert a comment, type the correct spelling of the word that they found in the dictionary, and type the guide words that were located on the dictionary page where they found the word. Ms. Catlett’s student’s were completely engaged in this activity and they are dictionary guide word experts! Way to go!
The 3rd Grade students in Mrs. Smith’s class were continuing their practice with Main Idea. This week, we used Nearpod to practice strategies for identifying the main idea of a paragraph. Using Nearpod, students were able to receive instruction, as well as interact with the presentation to demonstrate their understanding of the topic. Students read a variety of paragraphs and were asked to select the most main idea for each paragraph. We also discussed the details in the paragraph that supported the main idea.
The 2nd grade students in Ms. Robinson’s class also tried Nearpod today. They were focusing on double-digit addition in math. After reviewing how to add double-digit numbers from an embedded educreations video, the students had to look at a chart with information, highlight the important information needed to answer the question, and then solve the addition problem. Students practiced with solving the problem on the screen using the draw feature, as well as solving problems with paper and pencil during the quiz portion of the activity. They really seemed to enjoy this lesson and thought it was cool that I was able to control the presentation that appeared on their laptops. They also enjoyed getting immediate results from the “quiz” after they answered the questions.
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