Last week Ms. Aveson invited me into her classroom! Now if you are fortunate enough to know Ms. Aveson then you will know that I got super excited when she signed up! I always have a great time in her class! She is one of the most creative teachers I have ever worked with! She told me that her students had been learning about magic -e words. They had spent some time looking through various magazines to find and cut out magic -e words. They were each responsible for finding fourteen words.
When it came time for our technology lesson she had asked that the kids be able to take these words and search for three things within the words. She wanted them to check for multiple vowels, more then seven letters and if the word had any digraphs. Inside Ms. Aveson’s Server Shortcut folder I had placed a graphing template created in Excel. Each student opened the file, typed in their fourteen words and placed a 1 in the individual columns if the the word they were working with had that particular feature. After they had studied all fourteen of their words they used the graphing feature found within Excel to create a bar graph. We then printed their data and graphs and Ms. Aveson displayed them in the hall with their list of magic words. It was an awesome lesson! Ms. Aveson’s kids worked really hard!
Check out Jagruthi’s AMAZING magic -e words and her completed graph!!