Today Mrs. Ballou’s 5th grade students participated in the Hour of Code. Some students went through the modules on to learn the blockly style of coding. Others who have experience with coding moved onto Scratch and worked on their own projects. They had a great time using critical thinking and problem solving to program their characters to move. There was a lot of teamwork and excitement in the classroom this morning! Some students started projects that they will be working on throughout the week. I’m excited to share the finished games that they create!
The 1st grade students in Mrs. Burnett’s room practiced logging into the computer and going to PebbleGo. They have been talking about arctic animals, so they chose an artic animal to learn more about. PebbleGo is a nice way for emerging readers read non-fiction text to conduct research. They really enjoyed this resource! You can also access from home. Ask your child’s teacher for the username and password to this great resource.
Students in Mrs. Bae’s 4th grade class demonstrated their understanding of the moon phases by creating an animation in Pixie. The students used the camera tool and stickers within Pixie to build their presentation and then exported the video to their desktop. Finally, they uploaded their finished work to Google Classroom so their teacher and peers could see. Take a look at one of the completed videos:
Ian's Moon Phases from Karen Hues on Vimeo.
The students in Mrs. Golden’s 2nd grade class completed a flipchart called “Sum Shopper” in which they practiced with rounding to the nearest ten and adding double digit numbers. On the first slide, they had to round the price of the item to the nearest ten.
After practicing with rounding the nearest ten, student had to restock the shelves with the items in order from least expensive to most expensive.
Then they had to estimate and add the sum for items that were purchased. After estimating, students did the math to work out the actual total and see how close their estimate was to the real total.
The students really enjoyed completing the Sum Shopper flipchart and recording their voice to explain their work.
The 3rd Grade students in Mrs. Hufnell’s class have been studying Greece, so what better way to learn about Greece than by going there?! To do so, we used Google Tour Builder to fly to various locations in Greece and build a tour. They visit places such as the Parthenon and Olympia to see the ancient ruins that still remain. The students will continue working on their tour throughout the week, so check back soon for their finished presentations.
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