Geography Review with Google Slides

Yesterday I spent some time in Mrs. Atkinson and Ms. Moore’s rooms reviewing the seven continents and oceans. I remembered reading a blog post from another ITRT, Julie Smith about how she reviewed continents and oceans using Google Slides. She shared the presentation with me and we were ready to roll. I started by sticking the link to the Google presentation in the Carver Server Shortcuts. The students clicked on the link, signed into their Google account, made a copy of the presentation and were ready to roll. I know it sounds like alot but it was three clicks and then entering in their hcps mock email address. It took about 5 minutes total!

After signing into our Google accounts and making a copy we added our name to the title slide. The second slide asked us to drag the seven continents onto a blank map. The seven continents were provided for them. We then used the text box feature to add the five oceans. After their maps were flawless we jumped to the third slide an added the name of the continent we live on and a selfie on the continent image. Check out some examples from today’s lessons.

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Geography Review with Google Slides

Yesterday I spent some time in Mrs. Atkinson and Ms. Moore’s rooms reviewing the seven continents and oceans. I remembered reading a blog post from another ITRT, Julie Smith about how she reviewed continents and oceans using Google Slides. She shared the presentation with me and we were ready to roll. I started by sticking the link to the Google presentation in the Carver Server Shortcuts. The students clicked on the link, signed into their Google account, made a copy of the presentation and were ready to roll. I know it sounds like alot but it was three clicks and then entering in their hcps mock email address. It took about 5 minutes total!

After signing into our Google accounts and making a copy we added our name to the title slide. The second slide asked us to drag the seven continents onto a blank map. The seven continents were provided for them. We then used the text box feature to add the five oceans. After their maps were flawless we jumped to the third slide an added the name of the continent we live on and a selfie on the continent image. Check out some examples from today’s lessons.

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