Newsela is an awesome resource for getting students interested in reading non-fiction. The articles are current and engaging for students. This particular article on the change to Barbie’s footwear caught my attention!
The best part is that you can easily change the Lexile levels and go from a 2nd grade text, to a 6th grade text with the click of a button. Changing the Lexile level adjusts the word count and the vocabulary level used.
Newsela is on our approved list of CORE resources, so it is safe to have your students join using your class code and set up accounts. Once students are in your class, you can assign them articles that you find either through their account or assign it to them in Google Classroom.
The quiz feature is pretty nice too! It features 4 questions that check for comprehension. The quiz pops up to the right and they still have access to the text on the left, so they can reread and look for information as needed. When you have a class account set up, the data will come to the teacher and let you know how your students did on that particular article.
If you want to try out Newsela, just let me know and I’d be happy to help you get started!