Community Helpers with Image Quest and Shadow Puppets

Kindergarten students at Carver Elementary were on a roll last Thursday! I got to spend the day in all four Kindergarten classes! Those little ones keep Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Parsley, Ms. Senturk and Ms. Towsey on their toes! They have been learning about community helpers and invited me to come help the students create some sort of technology project about a specific community helper. I started by finding free images from Britannica Image Quest. If you are familiar with or even using this site in your classroom you are really missing out! Image Quest is found using the Henrico OneSearch account. This site allows students to find and save images that are copyright free and available to use in their projects and presentations.


After finding about ten images for the students to choose from I uploaded them to a Comemories site. Comemories gives you a personalized link that you can share with your students.


Now since my new five year old friends couldn’t type in the comemories address I took the link and turned it into a QR Code using The students scanned the code and launched the Comemories site. They selected the community helper they wanted to use in their project and then saved it to the iPad camera roll.

Next, we took a picture of each pair of students. Then we launched the Shadow Puppet app and selected the image of their community helper and then their own group picture. Shadow Puppet is an easy to use app that allows you to record your voice and draw on the images at the same time. The students introduced themselves and then described their community helper. It took a little assistance from me but remember they have only been in school about five weeks. I was super impressed with their efforts! Check out some samples of their work!

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