Second graders at Carver Elementary have been studying the water cycle. Mrs. Hoy is a HUGE Pixie fan so she invited me in to help them create a diagram of the water cycle. One of the awesome features in Pixie is that there is a ready made folder called “activities.” Inside this folder there are templates ready for the taking. We saved the water cycle activity to the Carver Student Server. The students opened the template, added their name and then used the paint and brush tools to illustrate the water cycle. The template came with labels so after their drawing was complete they simply drug the labels to their appropriate place. We then used the export button to save their image as a single picture on their desktop. Our final step was my FAVORITE part! I introduced Mrs. Hoy to the AMAZING Google Work Collector!! Keep reading below Mrs. Hoy’s class video for an explanation of how the Google Work Collector actually works!
Now, if you are still reading it must be because you are interested in this AWESOME Google Work Collector. Since the great Dell conversion there have been lots of questions on how to get your student’s work to your own computer so you can grade it, or print it for display. One way would be to have your students log into their Google account, upload their project and then share it with you! However, I know that this isn’t always a realistic use of your instructional time. Never fear the Google Work Collector is here!
I wish I could do a better job of explaining how this amazing tool works but I simply wouldn’t do it justice. When creating this work collector you are given a specific link that can be put in server shortcuts or turned into a QR code. Student would launch the site, choose their file and then upload it. Their work is sent to your Google Drive account and placed in a folder for you to access from within Drive. It really is amazing! If this is something you would be interested in creating please sign up for a time to work with me and I will gladly help you get this up and running! My teachers who are using this are amazed just like me!
If you think you can handle creating your work collector on your own feel free to use these directions and get started: Work Collector Directions