3rd Grade Geometry Blabberize

Today in Mrs. Reed’s third grade class we used Blabberize to show off our geometry knowledge.  Before we began the lesson we had a conversation about plane and solid shapes using important vocabulary and comparing/contrasting the two types of shapes.

I had all of the students log into their Google accounts and pull up a Google Doc that I had shared with them.  On the doc there were links, as well as a table where the students could paste their embed codes for their videos.


The students used Safe Search Kids to find an image of a solid shape of their choosing.  Once they found their shape they saved it to the desktop.  We imported the shapes into Pixie and put eyes on them, and then exported that picture to the desktop.  Once the shapes looked like they had faces they were good to go!




We opened up Blabberize from the Google Doc and the students got to work describing their shape using important vocabulary such as vertex, edge, and face.  They saved their blabberize and pasted their embed code onto the table in the Google Doc.




They did great with it!  Check out some of their work below!

This entry was posted in 3rd Grade, Blabberize, Geometry, Google, Google Docs, Math, Short Pump. Bookmark the permalink.