Adalynn Grace Robinson

Who would have thought that six weeks would fly by as fast as it did! Allow me to introduce Adalynn Grace Robinson, born February 17th @ 2:26 pm weighing 8 pounds 14.5 ounces! Allen and I are completely in love!


While I have enjoyed being home with Adalynn, I am excited to get back to work and begin to establish somewhat of a routine (not that a newborn allows for a routine)! Please feel free to continue signing up using my calendly link! I know that following Spring Break schedules will get hectic and we will be in crunch mode to prepare for the upcoming SOL assessments. Feel free to buzz me an email and let me know there are any resources I can help you locate or provide for you!

Before signing up make sure you check my calendar to see that I will be in your building on my regular day. After Spring Break they begin pulling ITRT’s for testing meetings, S21 and H21 scoring and a host of other exciting events!

I have missed you all and I’m excited to see you and your students soon! Have a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break!

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