Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about magnets (SOL2.2) and fractions (SOL2.3) so today students in Ms. Gardner’s class created magnet fractions animations. First we reviewed the types of magnets (horseshoe or bar), their poles, and what types of objects they attract. Then I posted a link to ABCYa! Animate on Google classroom. I instructed them to use the clipart to add a person to their picture. Next they drew a magnet and labeled the poles with an N or an S. Then they went to the clipart library and added various objects that would be attracted to the magnet and others that would not. I showed them how to copy the picture into new frames and how to move the objects slowly toward the magnet in each frame. Finally they typed a sentence telling the fraction of objects that the magnet attracted. We published our finished animations to Google classroom. You can take a look at some of them here.