Pictures of Hollis Woods-Videolicious

For the past several weeks a group of 5th graders at Johnson Elementary have been participating in a novel study with the librarian, Mrs. Scott. They have been reading the book, Pictures of Hollis Woods. Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff is an emotional story about a little girl searching for a family. Hollis Woods is abandoned as a baby and spends her life being sent to various foster homes. Her story alternates between the time she spends with Josie Cahill and the summer she spent with the Regan family, who wanted to adopt her. Pictures of Hollis Woods is a heartwarming novel about a troubled girl finding a family who will love her. Throughout the story Hollis collects pictures of things that are special to her. For this project the students collected pictures of things that were important to them. They brought in images and used the iPad camera to take pictures, they drew pictures to add to their movie and some even found images on Britannica Image Quest. After their images were loaded onto the iPad they used the app Videolicious to create a short video about things that were important to them. The app is super simple to use. In three simple steps you will have a video ready to publish. The students started by selecting the images for their movie, then they narrated over their images and finally they added music to their movie before publishing! Check out a few of their finished videos!

Kevin from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

Daphne from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

Benneta from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

Anna from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

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