A few weeks ago Mrs. Davis came to me and showed me some video clips of her students practicing various gymnastic routines in her physical education classes. She wanted to smash these clips together and make a short movie. I showed her how simple Windows Movie Maker was to use and suggested that she let the kids partner up and make these videos themselves. She jumped in with both feet and her students made some AMAZING short videos.
Mrs. Davis deserves a huge award because she overcame several obstacles during this project. The students had to adjust the effects because their videos came in sideways, they had trouble viewing the videos so they needed to install the Codec update from Software Center and some of their desktops weren’t synced so they lost parts and pieces to their project! Mrs. Davis and her students never gave up! They persevered and worked to figure out a solution to each and every problem they encountered! I was so impressed with their hard work! Check out a few of their group projects!
Triple Amazing-Poling from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.
The Tumbling Triplets-Poling from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.