Famous Americans in Tellagami

In Mrs. Dobranski’s third grade class at Kaechele we used the iPads to create something awesome!  They were just wrapping up their unit on famous Americans, so Mrs. Dobranski and I decided to run with that topic.

Before I went into the classroom the students had already broken off into pairs, chosen the famous American that they wanted to focus on, and then collaborated on a script.  The students either chose to write the script as a reporter telling about the famous American, or they wrote it from the point of view of the famous American.

To put it all together we used the iPads.  First, the students opened up DoodleBuddy and drew a picture representing their famous American.  I really LOVED how creative and historically accurate their drawings were!  When everyone was finished with their drawings we saved them to the camera roll.  Next we moved onto Tellagami.  The students imported their drawings into Tellagami to use it as the background, and then I gave the students some time to make their avatars look the way that they wanted.  Once everything was perfect, the students used their script to record the audio.  The coolest thing about Tellagami is that it actually looks like the avatar is saying what you recorded.  I think that the developers did a great job with that, which isn’t always the case with this kind of app!

Once the students finished their Tellagami videos they saved them to the camera roll and then used a QR scanner to upload their work to my Google Work Collector.


Check out some of their awesome work below!!

This entry was posted in 3rd Grade, DoodleBuddy, ipad, Kaechele, Reading, Social Studies, Tellagami, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.