5th Grade Cell Videos

CaptureFifth graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about the parts of a cell (SOL5.5) in science, and they have been working on their oral presentation skills (SOL5.2) and evaluating media messages (SOL5.3) in language arts. So today students in Ms. Satterfield’s class created instructional videos about cells using Pixiclip. Pixiclip is a webtool that allows you to record your webcam as you draw and write on a virtual whiteboard. First I gave the students a brief lesson on how to use the various tools, and we discussed good oral presentation skills, then they were able able to get started right away. As they drew the cell parts they described each one. When their videos were done we shared the links in Google classroom so they could evaluate and comment on each other’s videos. Take a look at some student examples here.

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