Animal Habitats using Chatterpix

Students in Mrs. Marshall’s second grade class have been researching about animal habitats. After collecting their information, they chose pictures that showcased their animals. I helped Mrs. Marshall save these pictures to her Dropbox account which she was able to access on the ipads and download to the ipad’s camera roll. The children imported the animal pictures into the ipad app Chatterpix. From there, they recorded their voices introducing their animals and habitats. Finally, I helped Mrs. Marshall create QR codes of the animal videos so she could post them in the hallway for parents to scan and access the children’s videos. Below are some samples of the finished products.

IMG 0277 from Gina Browne on Vimeo.

IMG 0276 from Gina Browne on Vimeo.

IMG 0274 from Gina Browne on Vimeo.

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