My First APP SMASH @ Johnson Elementary!!

My awesome teammate Julie Smith always has the greatest APP Smash lessons! I am always baffled how she can go into a classroom with an hours worth of time and create a masterpiece using 2-3 apps in that hour! Well now that my feet are pretty wet with this ITRT job I decided it was time to get out there and try my own APP Smash! Now of course I collaborated with Julie first to get some ideas and strategies and then I waited for a teacher to sign up for a lesson that I thought would work with these ideas! Fortunately I didn’t have to wait too long for Mrs. Basham to sign up for a 5th grade cell lesson! BOOM! Just what I needed!

We started our lesson by reviewing the plant and animal cells. We then partnered up and jumped on our iPads! We started by using the Doodle Buddy app to draw our cell, each group picked either the plant or animal cell. After our drawing was complete we saved our image to the camera roll. Then we jumped on our second app Skitch. The students pulled in their image and labeled each part of their cell. We then saved it to the camera roll again! Lastly we used Tellagami to create a talking avatar to introduce and describe our cell! Within Tellagami you can change the background so we made our backgrounds our cell image. We then bedazzled our avatar and recorded our voices describing our cell! After saving our finished Tellagami video to our iPads we used my Google Work Collector QR code to send their finished products to me!

These 5th graders did an amazing job with my first APP Smash Lesson! Now that I’m a bit more confident I can’t wait to try more!!! Sign up for an APP Smash using my blog! Can’t wait to try more lessons like this! Below you will find these 5th graders creations!


Basham's Cell Movie from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

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