Second graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about three American Indian tribes: the Powhatan, the Lakota, and the Pueblo Indians (SOL2.2). They have also been learning how to solve and create their own addition and subtraction story problems (SOL2.21). So today students in Ms. Vest’s class created story problems about American Indians. First they chose a tribe, then we opened Pixie, and I showed them how to add stickers and paint to make a picture of the tribe. We discussed features to include like the landscape, their homes, the animals they hunted, and the modes of transportation they used. We exported the finished pictures as .jpg files, then we posted them to our Google classroom page. I instructed them to type a story problem to go with their picture. Then their classmates could try solving the problems and writing the answers in the “Comments” section. You can take a look at some of their problems on Padlet.