A 1st grade teacher wanted her students to remember that the Earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the Earth. In order to do so, we had the students start from scratch to create a PowerPoint Presentation. First they launched PowerPoint and selected a theme. We suggested that they use a plain black or blue background so it would look like outer space. Next, the students went to Insert –> Online Images to search for pictures of the sun & Earth to use on their first slide. After re-sizing and positioning the images, the students set the Earth with an animation so that it would go around the sun. To set an animation, click on the object you want to animate, click on Animation –> Add Animation, and select the animation you would like to use. We selected the Shape –> Circle for the Earth’s revolution around the sun. The final step is to record your voice by clicking on Slideshow –> Record slide show. Students saved the finished products to their desktop and then uploaded it to their teacher’s google drive using the link to the simple uploader script.
Sun, Earth, & Moon from Karen Hues on Vimeo.