The Importance of Government

Student’s in Mrs. Adams 3rd grade class have been busy studying all about Government. Mrs. Adams invited me into her classroom hoping we could collaborate using Google Slides! Prior to arriving I created a Google Presentation and placed the link in her folder located on the server shortcuts. Once the kids logged in we all jumped on the same presentation and began working on our own slides. Each child was given a topic such as key terms, branches of the government, important facts and so on. After facts were inserted into their slide they were allowed to change the fonts, add images and make their slide unique. The images were not cooperating so the kids also learned how to use the ctrl+c, ctrl+v shortcuts to copy and paste images into their presentation. The students were so excited to see the changes being made on the other slides since we were actually all logged in to the same presentation. Thanks again Mrs. Adams for inviting me in!

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