5th Grade Nonfiction Text Elements

Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 12.38.10 PMFifth graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about elements of nonfiction text like captions, headings, bold print, graphics, etc (SOL5.6) so today students in Ms. Sharpe’s class practiced including these elements in their own nonfiction text. First we researched an invertebrate or vertebrate of their choice, since they are learning how to classify animals in science (SOL5.5). After finding a few facts about their animals online, I showed them how to create a simple webpage using CheckThis. They typed the information in their own words and chose important vocabulary terms to make bold. They also added a photo and a map of their animal’s range and put captions under each image. Finally they published their websites and posted the links to the Google classroom page so they could read each others’ nonfiction texts. You can see some of their websites by clicking here.

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