Thanksgiving Dinner Graphs @ Johnson Elementary

Huge shout out to Karen Hues for this awesome idea! When the #TechTakeout crew traveled to Fair Oaks and Trevett on Halloween Karen had an awesome lesson using the app Easy Chart to create digital graphs! When I shared this with Mrs. Clever, she was excited to try it as well! Today in 1st grade we graphed an entire Thanksgiving dinner in a matter of minutes. Students were first given a handful of Thanksgiving food images. They started by sorting and classifying the turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls and pie.

Photo Nov 25, 12 44 27 PM

Photo Nov 25, 12 46 31 PM

After we had sorted our foods each child was given an iPad and we launched the Easy Chart app. We quickly plugged in the data and create a bar graph.

Photo Nov 25, 12 53 49 PM Photo Nov 25, 12 54 04 PM

Finally we saved our graphs to the camera roll and uploaded them to Mrs. Robinson’s Google Drive account using the Simple Work Collector and a QR code.

Photo Nov 25, 1 11 01 PM

After all that talk about Thanksgiving foods our belly’s sure were growling! Check out our finished products!

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