Long Ago vs. Today

First grade at Glen Allen Elementary has been learning about past vs. present when comparing transportation, clothing and life style from long ago and today. Mrs. Chivily’s class did an OUTSTANDING job with their technology project this morning. Then Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Waite teamed up and partnered students together (one low with one high). We used Powerpoint to create movies about long ago vs. today. The kids started out with a Powerpoint template I had put together made of four slides with a couple of images to sort. We taught the kids how to move, resize and tilt images. Then we showed them how to use the online picture search within Powerpoint and keywords to find pictures of their choice to add in. They were so on top of it that they had time to add their own slide transitions! Finally, the kids did a voice over and turned their presentation into a movie. Here is one great example:

Long Ago vs. Today (1) from Julie on Vimeo.

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