TEI Graphing Practice at FOES!

Students in Ms. Meehan and Ms. Menon’s 3rd grade classroom have already jumped on the TEI wagon! Each week they are practicing with various types of “Testing Enhanced Items” that will be found on their SOL assessments this Spring. This past week these 3rd graders practiced creating their own digital graphs. First we reviewed the necessary parts of a graph (ex: title, X and Y axis and labels) and then we collected our data. For this particular activity we created a graph based on the number of letters in our name. After the data was collected we used the website Graph Maker to create our graphs. This site functions very much like the TEI graphing question does. The students needed to give their graph a title, set the X and Y labels/values and then graph the data. Check out some snip-its from their lesson! Great work 3rd grade Cardinals!

Alphonso CJ Eric Jayden Neveah Niasha

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