Preschool Fire Safety Video

I had the opportunity to work with the AMAZING preschool students and teachers at Kaechele Elementary School on a fire safety project. Ms. Katie’s class has been learning about fire safety for 3 weeks. The unit is taught in November because December has more house fires than any other month due to increase in heat usage and holiday decorations. The students learned to “stop, drop and roll,” “crawl under smoke,” “get out, stay out, go to their meeting place” and “call 911.”

They had the fantastic idea of writing a song to the tune of Let It Go, the preschooler’s favorite song, all about fire safety. The teachers and I worked together to write the lyrics, and then had the students act out the lines from the song to make a great video!

The actors in the video are from 2 reverse mainstream preschool special education classes. Students in the classes either present with developmental delays and/or disabilities or they are typically developing students who come to the class to act as peer models for language, social skills, play skills and cognitive skills. The fire fighter is a 5th grader at Kaechele who works in the preschool classrooms in the “pup pack” as a helper to the preschool students.

These are truly amazing children and teachers, and I am so lucky to have the chance to work with them! We are hoping to share the video out to help raise fire safety awareness, so feel free to share!

Kaechele Preschool Fire Safety from Matt Caratachea on Vimeo.

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