Free Fonts on Google Drive!!

Now that we’ve made the switch from Macs to Dells many of you have been asking about your fonts. Unfortunately we have not been given the go ahead to start downloading fonts. Font downloading can be very dangerous and often times they are accompanied with viruses and various other issues! However, NEVER FEAR…Google to the rescue! Google has hundreds of fonts available to use. These fonts are only available to use through Google Drive and not through Word.

Go to to get started.

Google Fonts

One of the awesome features with Google fonts is while choosing a font, you can see what a whole sentence looks like in that font. You can change the sentence if you want or you can see what the font looks like in paragraph form. Once you find a font that you like just add it to the collection. When you open up a new Google Doc you can select that font from the list.

What are you waiting for? Start finding and adding your favorite fonts!

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