Synonyms With Educreations

Mrs. Hartman’s second grade class used the Educreations app to share their knowledge of synonyms.  First the students discussed what synonyms were and gave examples.  They were then given a baggie with different words inside.  With a partner, the students sorted the words and matched the synonyms.  Once the students agreed with their partner that they had all of the synonyms matched correctly they used Educreations to share their work.

The students each had an iPad and took a picture of their sort within Educreations.  Once they had the picture they recorded themselves reading the synonyms and then saved it to Mrs. Hartman’s Educreations account.  One of my favorite things about Educreations is how easy it is to save the lessons.  All the teacher has to do is log in to their account using Google and the videos automatically go to their Educreations account.  If you have iPads in your classroom you can remain logged in and then the students’ work will upload to your account seamlessly.  If you are borrowing iPads just make sure there is no one logged in, or else the video will save to their account.

Mrs. Hartman’s class did a great job, and she is already thinking of different ways to use the app for different things throughout the year!

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