I know teachers have been using Discovery Education for many years in Henrico County. Liz Jessee and my 3rd grade team at Short Pump Elementary School showed me Boards, which was a new feature to me! With the board builder students and teachers can make digital posters displaying material that they learn in class. These are MUCH cooler than the old posters I remember making in elementary school because you can easily embed videos and pictures straight from Discovery Education. There are thousands of pictures and videos available within Discovery Education that students can search for.
The third graders at SPES researched animals and were putting their information on their boards. When they had all of their text information on the board they could add pictures and videos to spice up their work. We ran into a snag when students were looking for pictures and videos. Some of the animals that the students researched didn’t have pictures on Discovery Education. Luckily it is SO easy to upload pictures and add them straight from your computer. The students found pictures of their animals from other sites, saved them to their desktop, and then uploaded them to Discovery Science. Their final products are really great! This activity is a great was to make a fantastic looking project! Check it out on Discovery Education.