Ms. Aquilina’s Postcards

Ms. Aquilina’s second grade class has been hard at work making digital postcards. They have been studying the continents and oceans in class. They got in small groups to research the continent of their choice. After researching they went to and record themselves reading some of the findings.  The groups then chose between Pixie and to make their digital postcards.  The finishing touch to their postcard was a QR code in place of a stamp that was linked to the recording from Vocaroo.




We are going to take this one step further now.  Ms. Aquilina and I are starting a blog to post the postcards.  We are going to share the link out with people who live in the continents the students researched.  We are going to hear from them to see if the research was accurate and open up a dialog between the students and our new contacts around the world.  I’ll update with more details when we get the blog up and running!



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