Google Forms

Did you know that you can now embed videos into Google Forms? Check out an example Erin West made by clicking {HERE}.

Not only can teachers create Google tests, quizzes and surveys…students can too! We had a lot of fun today in 4th grade at Crestview Elementary. Students learned how to make a Google form all about the Native American tribes they have been studying. Higher level thinking was at its peak as students worked on creating questions and answer choices, both correct and incorrect answers. We only covered text and multiple choice types of questions today but we will eventually move into multiple answer questions (using the check boxes) and open ended response. The students pasted the link to their live form on a Google Doc and then I changed the doc to View Only so they can take each others’ quizzes during laptop rotations later in the week. Way to go 4th graders. Check out their mini quizzes:

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