As you are planning your Back to School activities remember that it is not only important for you to get to know your students, but to also have your students get to know Y-O-U! Kids LOVE to know all about their teacher, especially their likes and interests outside of school. Here is a fun activity you could try out this year that will help your little ones get to know you without divulging too much info
This is a game you can play by downloading the Powerpoint presentation (click the image above). You will need to go through the Powerpoint first and fill out the information on the answer slides. Upload some fun pictures of you and your family to put into the Powerpoint slides…you know your students would love to see photos of your fur babies, real babies, you climbing Mt. Everest, etc.! Then you can either print out slides 30+31 to serve as answer sheets OR you could put a techie spin on this game and just delete those two slides.
Recording Sheet Method: As you present your slides, have your students make predictions about what they THINK would be the answer by writing down their prediction in the first column. Next, reveal your answer and have them write in the correct answer in the second column. Your students will think nothing of this since it is a GAME but guess what you have actually done here? You have a little assessment for handwriting and spelling skills! Tell them in the beginning not to worry about spelling and to just sound out the words as they write in their answers. Activities like this one can really be telling….
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From August 20, 2014 |
Techie Method: If you want to involve a little technology with this activity then simply create a Today’s Meet chat room and have your students respond to your questions through a group chat. They will have a blast reading each other’s predictions and seeing who actually guessed correctly!
Here are a few sample questions you will find in the Powerpoint:
Many of these questions offer opportunities for quick learning opportunities. “What is a sibling?” someone may ask. Pulling down a map to show where you were born or where you have traveled. How is a state different from a country? Is my teacher’s favorite number even or odd/greater or less than my favorite number? Take advantage of those small moments and have fun sharing who YOU are with your new class