Summer is so Close…

While the year is winding down this final week, I find myself reflecting on this year and looking towards the next. This was my first year as an ITRT and it couldn’t have been better, and that is all thanks to you. A huge thank you goes out to all the teachers, administrators and other ITRTs that made this year a success.

I’m looking forward to the new adventure of leaving the Mac behind and moving towards the new Windows platform. It’s going to be exciting learning the new tools that will increase the level of our students’ 21st century skills.

If you’re anything like me as a classroom teacher, I know you’ll be working on projects here and there over the summer. If you need anything I’m still here. There are many ways for us to stay connected over the summer break.

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I hope you all have a relaxing break. You deserve it!

This entry was posted in 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Kindergarten. Bookmark the permalink.