HCPS Elementary Tech Conference!

techIt’s that time of the year! The HCPS Elementary Technology Conference is right around the corner. Mark your calendars now! August 12th, 2014! We are in need of teacher experts to present. We’re looking for you to convey your knowledge of 21st century skills. We are looking for presenters from all education professionals representing different content areas and specialties, as well as industry and technology experts.

  • Help fill the information gap for educators looking for collaborative strategies, inventive techniques and engaging applications to enhance learning and improve student performance and engagement.
  • Share successful classroom practices, creative teaching and learning solutions, research, policies and products that show emerging promise for K-12 education and the evolving role of technology.

By sharing your successful practices that transform learning for all students, you can help inspire and encourage other educators and administrators to creatively deploy technologies and expand the possibilities of learning through educational technology.

Click the link below to submit a lesson proposal.
Rumor Has It: Your Getting a Dell: Lesson Proposal Link

Stay tuned by visiting: http://tinyurl.com/TechyBunch

We hope to from you soon!
The Elementary ITRTS

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