Students to Soldiers: “You are Not Forgotten!”

Three Chopt Elementary teacher, Mrs. Bailey, has been doing a lot with her students during the school year for our troops overseas! Its truly amazing to see the students’ thoughtfulness, inquiry, and heartfelt passion for learning and wanting to give back. The following is a project that Mrs. Bailey has just completed in time for Memorial Day!

Guest Blog Post from Brettany Bailey:

Last fall students wrote letters to veterans in November for Veteran’s Day. During the activity, students were very excited and dedicated to writing personal letters to our soldiers and/or family members who have served. When I realized how emotional and interested they were about supporting our troops, I wanted to allow the kids to do more. I began looking into community service opportunities and found a non-profit, non-partisan, grass-roots organization that has provided an enormous amount of support for our military. When I contacted the organization, Operation Give, they were very excited to work with us!

Over the last few months, students have written a tribute song for soldiers still overseas, letters and posters for veterans, and donated toys to Operation Give for soldiers to distribute to the children of Iraq. We have held open ended discussions about what life would be like growing up in war and tyranny without a toy store close by. This whole community service project has been heart warming and fulfilling. The students love getting involved and feeling like they are making difference! These kids teach me the meaning of love and appreciation everyday. Check out our Memorial Day Tribute Video:

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